Maternity considerations
- Are at an increased risk for placental abruption
and cesarean delivery
- Complications include: maternal death, fetal
death, uterine rupture, or abruption, prenatal injury,
Primary assessment of mother: it is important to
stabilize the mother first and then turn attention to the pregnancy and fetus.
Primary assessment includes: ABCDE
A-airway: immobilize the cervical spine, clear
obstruction or secretions, maintain neutral head position, use laryngeal mask
airway or endotracheal tube if needed.
B-breathing: check respiratory rate and effort,
supply supplemental oxygen in most cases.
C-circulation: assess pulse
D:disability: report alterness.
Expose the patient: remove all clothing; inspect
the entire body for wounds or ecchymoses.
Secondary assessment: after stabilization (victim stabilization should be done in side-lying position on left side to prevent compromised circulation to the fetus),
evaluate for specific maternal injuries and assess fetal well-being.
If the mother is unstable and the fetus is
greater than 20 weeks old, preterm delivery may be considered.
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